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  1. Shruti Box large 36 touches, 3 octaves 440Hz et 432Hz Sur Pete Teak & Ply...

    Boîte Shruti : 4,50 kg. Une boîte Shruti. 36 notes - C à C (Do To Do) tonalité inférieure. ✔ CONVIENT AU MANTRA DE YOGA, À LA MUSIQUE VOCALE ET DE MÉDITATION. Longue durée du son. Facile à pomper, soufflets de fleurs multiples.


  2. Blockflöte musima Holz DDR Musikinstrument Lieder Hobby Schule lernen #246729

    Marke: musima. 1x Blockflöte. Kaufen bei den Profis! Garten & Camping. Material: Holz. Antiquitäten & Kunst. Trödel mal wieder! Garten & Camping9.


  3. Bambus Thai Khaen Laos Isan Mund Orgel Musical Am Bm Cm Dm Em Fm Gm Schlüssel

    Isconsidered to be the oldest of the Lai Khaen and Lai Soutsanaen the "Father of the Lai Khaen. This Khaen is silver tongue for professional that is consistent loudness without distortion and is a. having three possible keys.


  4. Blockflöte Vintage Sammler Retro Holz Orchester Cello gebraucht

    Wir verkaufen hier eine gebrauchte 34 cm lange Blockflöte. Wir verkaufen die Flöte wie auf den Fotos abgebildet. ist daher nicht möglich.



    YAMAHA Clarinet YCL 650. The Yamaha YCL 650 is an excellent alternative for those who are serious about their clarinet performance but need to watch their budget. Made of carefully select and seasoned Grenadilla wood and boasting an enormous amount of handcrafting and hand finishing, the YCL 650 features tapered toneholes which are undercut by hand for precise intonation and superior tonal balance.


  6. (Neu) Yamaha M2920060 Lauf 64mm für YCL-64 Klarinette


  7. Thai Khaen Laos Isan Bambus Mund Orgel Musikalisch AM BM CM DM EM FM GM Tasten

    Isconsidered to be the oldest of the Lai Khaen and Lai Soutsanaen the "Father of the Lai Khaen. This Khaen is silver tongue for professional that is consistent loudness without distortion and is a. having three possible keys.


  8. Schwarz Bambus Khaen Thai Laos Mund Orgel Musikinstrument Premium Kan 8 Uhr morgens

    The khaen,Khene, has five different lai, or pentatonic modes with specific drone pitches, organized into two families (thang san and thang yao). The thang san family includes lai sutsanaen (G A C D E), lai po sai (C D F G A), and lai soi (D E G A B), while the thang yao family includes lai yai (A C D E G) and lai noi (D F G A C).


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