Minor age-related wear, all pages and illustrations intact. Special Features: - A historical and cultural encyclopedia providing extensive knowledge about Judaism. - Published by the “Society for Scientific Jewish Publications”.
Bedeutende Autographen-Sammlung, 1869 ff, Österr. Dichter, Maler, Politiker etc. Autographen-Sammlung: Ringordner mit 21 Autographen von 1869 – 1925, montiert und gesteckt auf 10 Blatt schwarzem Karton.
You and your children can gain a deeper appreciation for the Bible by holding one of the earliest Hebrew writings in their hands. from the book of Exodus. The scroll has a beautiful brown color. This deep color is due to the process used in making the scroll, this process ages to a deeper brown color over the centuries.
Muraqqa - I- Chughtai. Paintings Of M.A. Rahman Chughtai. Text In Urdu. Urdu Academy 2009 Andhra Pradesh. Various Pagination. With Full Text Of Diwan -I- Ghalib And Foreword By Dr. Sir Mohammad Iqbal.
It dates to the 14th or 15th century and is an amazing piece of history. It’s written in Latin, contains musical notes, and has a very nice initial on it. This manuscript was written by hand hundreds of years ago.
(France) ca. 1707-1708.. Manuscript on paper. Contemporary leather binding [21 x 28cm]. 332 pp + 45 blank leaves. Binding slightly rubbed, book spine with some rubbing as well, otherwise in very good condition. Early manuscript of S. Le Prestre de Vauban's work on war and military tactics. The text corresponds to the 1828 edition published by Anselin in Paris, with the exception of some grammatical inconsistencies. The last part of the work - De la defence des places - is missing from the present manuscript (pages 333-369), but is mentioned in the table of contents.
Hier finden Sie eine große Anzahl originaler Kunstdrucke, Holzstich, Kupfer Stich, Stahlstich, Litografie, Kunst-Grafik von berühmten Malern, Bildhauern, Malern und Grafikern des 18., 19. Unser Konto enthält gedruckte Illustrationen im Stil von Jugendstil, Klassizismus, Barock und Rokoko.
Wappenstammbuch mit Familienwappen. Handbemaltes Familienwappen, Stammbuchblatt, Aquarell auf Bütten. JOHANNES CHRISTOPH LUZENBERGER. Bei diesem Stammbuchblatt handelt es sich um ein ORIGINAL, wohl um das Jahr 1601.